• City Council to hear presentations on home rule this evening: Mayor Danene Sorace is asking Council to endorse a home rule study commission. Council is meeting at 6 p.m. tonight to introduce legislation — to be voted on this coming Monday — to add a referendum authorizing the commission to the May primary ballot. (Source: LNP)
• Public Utility Commission to investigate PPL: The commission will examine the utility’s billing practices following numerous complaints from customers of charges doubling or tripling. PPL says higher energy prices are the “primary driver” of its rates. (Source: WGAL)
• Mass shooting database adds recent incident at Lancaster McDonald’s: While there is no standard definition of “mass shooting,” the Gun Violence Archive counts any shooting resulting in four or more victims injured or killed. (Source: LNP)
• Pennsylvania takes over pandemic mortgage relief program from contractor: The state is pausing the troubled service beginning today while it sorts out a lengthy backlog of applications. (Source: Spotlight PA)
• Philadelphia launches new rental assistance program: The $30 million Targeted Financial Assistance will support renters in the city’s Eviction Diversion Program. It is broadly similar to the federally funded Emergency Rental Assistance Program, ERAP, implemented during the pandemic. (Source: WHYY)
• Nation/world: FBI searching Biden’s home in Rehoboth Beach. (Source: ABC News) Tyre Nichols’ funeral is today. (Source: NPR) Fed expected to announce interest rate hike. (Source: CNBC) Minnesota law makes abortion a “fundamental right.” (Source: UPI) Tom Brady announces 2nd retirement, this time “for good.” (Source: USA Today)