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United Way of Lancaster County


City home rule study commission gets under way Thursday

Mayor Danene Sorace speaks at a meeting about home rule at Ebenezer Baptist Church on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023. (Photo: Tim Stuhldreher)

Lancaster’s newly elected home rule study commission members will be inaugurated on Thursday, after which the commission will hold its first meeting.

Things are scheduled to get under way at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 120 N. Duke St. Following remarks by Mayor Danene Sorace, Magisterial District Judge Jodie Richardson will swear in the nine commission members.

They will then convene to elect their president, vice president and secretary, adopt rules of procedure and plan their next meetings, according to the meeting agenda.

The Pennsylvania Economy League is scheduled to present an offer to provide administrative support and guide the commission through the home rule process, City Clerk Bernard Harris said. They commission also will hear a presentation by Kelly Robertson, executive director of the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services.

City voters approved creating the commission and selected its nine members in the May primary. Over the next 18 months, the commission is to determine if Lancaster would be better served by a home rule charter; and to draft one if they decide that it would be. The charter would go to voters for approval, most likely in November 2024.

Among other things, home rule would give Lancaster leeway to raise its earned income tax rate, potentially reducing the need for frequent property tax hikes.

For more information, visit Lancaster city’s home rule web page.

Home Rule Study Commission Members

  • Brian Adams
  • Peter Barber
  • Darlene Byrd
  • Maxine Cook
  • Tony Dastra
  • Elizabeth Elias
  • Carl Feldman
  • John McGrann
  • Amy Ruffo