The Vaccinate Lancaster community vaccination center at Park City Center mall will receive enough Covid-19 vaccine doses this week to administer more than 1,500 doses a day over seven days.
The state Department of Health has informed local officials that the center will receive more than 10,600 doses, spokesman Brett Marcy said Monday. The allocation includes more than 4,600 doses of the Pfizer vaccine and 6,000 doses of Moderna, he said.
"Our clinical teams at the center are fully prepared to administer both vaccines," he said. Patients will learn which vaccine they'll receive upon arrival.

The center, which opened Wednesday at the mall's former Bon-Ton department store, is a "Type 1" Federal Emergency Management Agency vaccination facility, which means it is large enough to vaccinate up to 6,000 people per day when operating at full capacity. The only limiting factor below that level is the availability of doses, local officials have said.
Staff administered around 500 doses on Wednesday, ramping up to 800 doses on Thursday and 1,200 on Friday through Sunday. Another 800 appointments are scheduled daily for today and Tuesday, Marcy said, for a total of 6,500 doses administered over the site's first seven days.
Meanwhile, more than 75,000 people have signed up for vaccination through the VaccinateLancaster.org website or its associated call center.
Just over three-quarters have indicated they meet Pennsylvania's Phase 1A eligibility guidelines, which allow senior citizens over age 65 and other adults with qualifying medical conditions to be vaccinated.
The remaining one-quarter of registrants will be kept in the system and will be eligible when subsequent phases open. Appointments are allocated by a lottery system encompassing all registrants who are currently eligible.