OneUnitedLancaster has added two links to the Resources for Nonprofits page that may be helpful to organizations' leadership teams and financial professionals:
• Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resources & Updates: See in particular PICPA's material on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and CARES Act, which includes recommendations for applying and and the calculations involved. (As Lynn Mills of The Walz Group noted in OneUnitedLancster's FAQ on federal aid, the process is complicated.)
• Propel Nonprofits' Covid-19 resource page: Propel provides financial and consulting services to nonprofits in Minnesota and adjacent states. Its Covid-19 collection includes PPP and CARES Act guidance as well as resources for financial management and planning, governance and strategy. Despite a few references to Minnesota-based organizations, most of the material is relevant to nonprofits regardless of location.