Update: Rep. Sturla's office has since announced the giveaway will take place by appointment over several days.
Original story:
There won't be music, food or games this year, but state Rep. Mike Sturla's annual Back-to-School giveaway will still take place.
Previous coverage: School District of Lancaster families asked to register now for fall back-to-school giveaway
The popular annual event, now in its ninth year, provides free supplies such as backpacks, shoes and uniforms to School District of Lancaster students entering kindergarten through eighth grade, to ensure they have everything they need on the first day of school.
This year's giveaway will take place from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22, at Clipper Magazine Stadium, 650 N. Prince St., Lancaster.
Over the years, the giveaway has evolved into a lively community festival. This year, however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is being pared back to essentials.
Each student who registers will receive a backpack of supplies. Students must be present to pick up their backpacks, and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
To participate, families are asked to register by Saturday, Aug. 1 at www.pahouse.com/sturla/backtoschool.
Unlike previous years, there will be no walk-up registration at the event, Sturla legislative assistant Francis Miliano said.
If you cannot use the link to register, email Miliano at fmiliano@pahouse.net or call Sturla's district office at (717) 295-3157.
Participants will be assigned an arrival time and must wear face masks. Social distancing procedures will be in place, Miliano said.
Last year, more than 1,500 children participated in the giveaway, Sturla said.
Anyone interested in volunteering this year is asked to contact Miliano or the district office.
9th Annual Back to School Giveaway
- When: Noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22
- Where: Clipper Magazine Stadium, 650 N. Prince St.
- To register: Rep. Sturla's 9th Annual Back-to-School Giveaway
- To contribute: Lancaster Recreation Center at Kindful.com
- Francis Miliano | (717) 295-3157 | fmiliano@pahouse.net