Each day a summary of news and information that has been gathered from community partners and credible news sites will be posted.
- “Gov. Wolf: Pennsylvania Reduced Prison Population by Record-Setting 3,471 since March 1” : https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/gov-wolf-pennsylvania-reduced-prison-population-by-record-setting-3471-since-march-1/
State Government:
General COVID resources: https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-COVID-19/
Dept. of Health:
- “Department of Health Provides Update on COVID-19, 456 Positives Bring Statewide Total to 82,186” : https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/Health-Details.aspx?newsid=873
- Link to Statewide map of testing sites: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Symptoms-Testing.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0q72qATsxBX9zL0KMErYO_OQZutSgVMY1I4fEEa8-3zcHN_7WixZ-VFAY
- COVID-19 Data: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx
- Lancaster Stats: (According to Dept. of Health website- updated today at 12:00pm)
- Total Cases: 4,029 cases.
- Confirmed: 3,937
- Probable: 92
- Negative: 24,621
- Cases per 100,000: 741.20
National News:
Washington Post:
The latest
- At least 10 states, including Texas, California, Florida and Arizona, reported their highest weekly infection rates in recent days as 29 states logged increases. The national average is rising again after a month-long plateau while millions of Americans return to work, places of worship, restaurants and rallies.
- The data suggests that wherever governments roll back quarantine rules, COVID-19 rushes in to fill the void, which health experts predicted months ago. “But there is little sign that states are reconsidering politically popular decisions to open the economy,” our national desk reported.
- White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said Sunday that the Trump administration is preparing for even more infections and deaths in the fall — a day after the president dismissed the rising numbers as an artifact of increased testing. "When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people; you’re going to find more cases. So I said to my people, slow the testing down please,” Trump said at his campaign rally in Tulsa on Saturday. (See photos of the event and surrounding protests.) The president's theory is undermined by the fact that hospitalizations are increasing along with positive tests in some states.
- Public health experts widely condemned Trump's claim that he ordered testing to be slowed, which White House officials later said was a joke. “To think of it as something you can manipulate or slow down based on what the numbers look like speaks to a complete misunderstanding of what an infectious-disease response should be," an infectious-disease expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security told The Washington Post.
- More than 20 health officials around the country have been fired or have quit amid hostility to public safety measures, according to the National Association of County and City Health Officials. "We are now the villains,” said the director of a small public health department in Washington state, who installed surveillance cameras outside her house after receiving threats.
- Our health team asked medical experts for safety recommendations on all typical summer activities: booking a weekend getaway, camping, swimming, having a barbecue and many more. Some diversions are more dangerous than others, but there are ways to minimize the risk. Check out the guide.
- And less fun but equally important: here's how to safely ride an office elevator during the pandemic.
Other important news
- A trial vaccine called AZD1222, while still unproved, may be the Western hemisphere's only hope of developing a working vaccine by year's end.
- The president, citing the pandemic, ordered limits on foreign workers and extended immigration restrictions through December.
- Trump says foreign governments will rig our elections if people could vote by mail during the pandemic. He's wrong.
- How coronavirus tore through Latin America’s largest market.
- Facing ruin, many brick-and-mortar shops are transitioning to online business models to survive.
Recurring Resources:
- OneUnitedLancaster.com
- United Way of Lancaster County has launched a new website, OneUnitedLancaster.com. This digital source of information for our community works in tandem with United Way's 2-1-1 resources to connect people and resources during this time of upheaval.
- The Asset Map is a county-wide resource for all to utilize. If you need to add/update/delete information please follow the link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UWMAP20
- Lancaster Chamber:
- Website updated daily: https://www.lancasterchamber.com/Apps/Pages/coronavirusnews
- Workplace Considerations & Compliance
This webinar featured Steve Matzura and Austin Wolfe of McNees Wallace & Nurick as they discussed workplace safety measures, employer mandates related to building safety, cleaning measures and employee requirements, and OSHA guidance and compliance.
ACCESS NOW - Workplace Considerations: Practical Strategies for your Workplace and Workforce
Learn more about change management, how to create new norms, develop effective communication strategies, tips & tricks for outfitting your space and workforce and how to navigate new realities and challenges of the workplace in alignment with CDC and State guidelines as Pennsylvania prepares to reopen.
ACCESS NOW - Maintaining A Compliant Workplace & Workforce Under COVID-19 Restrictions
This webinar will cover steps employers are taking to comply with the Governor's orders and the implications to the workplace and workforce. It will specifically address: 1) what do employers need to do to maintain a safe working environment; 2) what are the OSHA, whistleblower, and workers' compensation considerations; and 3) what are the employees rights from a non-union and union perspective (e.g. protected concerted activity)
- Workplace Considerations & Compliance
- “Let’s Go Strong Into Going Green” : https://www.lancasterchamber.com/Apps/Pages/page-slug-92504?formEntryId=22781
- Local Government:
- Mayor Danene Sorace is hosting daily briefings on Facebook every night at 5pm
- The County has a COVID site to keep up to date with their response: https://co.lancaster.pa.us/1296/Coronavirus-Disease-COVID-19
- Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health:
- Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health COVID-19 Data: online dashboard with COVID-19 testing and patient data. The site is accessible from the LGHealth.org homepage (click “data” in the top red banner), or at the link below. Data is updated each morning.
- WellSpan Health System:
- Meals: Hunger Free Lancaster
- Hunger Free Lancaster County: https://hungerfreelancaster.org/resources/important-resources-during-COVID-19/
- Childcare:
- Resource to find childcare providers with waivers: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/providers/Providers/Pages/Coronavirus-Child-Care.aspx
Recovery Lancaster:
- UPDATE: RecoveryLancaster.com Info
- RecoveryLancaster.com, a website stemming from the Economic Recovery Plan for Lancaster County by the Lancaster Chamber, the Economic Development Company of Lancaster County, and the County of Lancaster, is your hub for information to get your business back on track.
- Quick notes to keep you updated on this resource:
- Grant Opportunity Available Starting June 15 - Are You Prepared?
Are you a business with 20 employees or fewer? If so, you can apply for a grant starting next week. The grant is not first-come, first-serve. Grants are awarded based on a variety of criteria. Get the details and see what you have to do to prepare with our FAQ sheet and our What You Need To Know guide.
Are You A Business With 100 Employees or Fewer? You can now sign up for a free kit that includes a mix of personal protective equipment, as well as some cleaning and disinfecting materials. The sign up is simple, easy, and you will get the kit delivered within days of your order!
GET YOUR KIT - Best Practices Are Now Available
From restaurants to retail, to accommodations to construction, we are offering a variety of video and powerpoint resources to help walk through what your business needs right now to succeed.
- Grant Opportunity Available Starting June 15 - Are You Prepared?
Teachers Needed for Virtual Summer Program
- Online Learning - July 9, 2020 - August 7, 2020
- This summer learning enrichment program is designed to offer virtual academic skill-building in math and literacy to approximately 600 Lancaster County students PreK through Grade 8 using a high-quality curriculum and engaging instructional materials developed by BellXcel. This program, offered through the Lancaster Partnership for Learning Equity, is committed to providing learners with the digital access and support needed to prevent academic slide over the summer and to prepare them to participate fully in virtual learning opportunities in the future.