Each day a summary of news and information that has been gathered from community partners and credible news sites will be posted.
- “Gov. Wolf: State to Distribute $51 million in CARES Funding to Support Child Care Providers” : https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/gov-wolf-state-to-distribute-51-million-in-cares-funding-to-support-child-care-providers/
- “Governor Wolf: PA Food Distributors Receive $50 Million for Farmers to Families Food Boxes” : https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/governor-wolf-pa-food-distributors-receive-50-million-for-farmers-to-families-food-boxes/
- “Governor Wolf Announces Real Estate Industry May Conduct Limited Business Transactions Statewide” : https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/governor-wolf-announces-real-estate-industry-may-conduct-limited-business-transactions-statewide/
- “Gov. Wolf Vetoes SB 327, HB 2388 and HB 2412” : https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/gov-wolf-vetoes-sb-327-hb-2388-and-hb-2412/
State Government:
General COVID resources: https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/
Dept. of Education:
- “Gov. Wolf: State to Distribute $51 million in CARES Funding to Support Child Care Providers” : https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/Education-Details.aspx?newsid=858
Dept. of Human Services:
- “Wolf Administration Receives Approval to Launch Online Grocery Purchasing for SNAP Recipients During COVID-19 Crisis” : https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/DHS_details.aspx?newsid=541
- “Wolf Administration: Guidance Available for People Needing FBI Background Checks During Stay-at-Home, Reopening Phases” : https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/DHS_details.aspx?newsid=539
- “Department of Human Services Reassures Pennsylvanians That Help Is Available, Provides Update on Public Assistance Data Trends” : https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/DHS_details.aspx?newsid=540
Dept. of Health:
- The Department of Health’s COVID numbers were not updated for today at the time of this email’s sending. Nor was there a press briefing that I could find. Tomorrow’s email will of course look to be back to normal if possible.
National News:
Washington Post:
The latest
- A sweeping study published this week showed that most elderly patients with COVID-19 do not survive after being placed on a ventilator. The results were consistent with what health experts saw in Europe and China, but it still surprised the study's senior author. “We had no idea how horrific this would be,” he said. “Definitely not just the flu.” Advanced age is the greatest risk for a severe outcome from the coronavirus.
- Centralized, out-of-home quarantine centers have been successful around the world. Hong Kong has dispatched anyone known to have been exposed to a two-week quarantine. In South Korea, where the response has been hailed as a model for the world, people with moderate symptoms have been moved to isolation centers. But the U.S. has remained largely resistant to putting people in government-run centers, a reflection of cost and conflicting priorities, cultural norms and mistrust of government.
- To mitigate the risk of spread that comes with in-person voting, Michigan and Nevada plan to use absentee and mail-in ballots in coming elections. President Trump on Wednesday threatened to withhold funding from those states because of their plans. What kind of funding, though, is unclear. Amid the pandemic, Trump has repeatedly railed against mail-in voting, claiming without evidence that it is subject to widespread fraud and hurts Republicans. (Vote-by-mail analysis: Does it really lead to fraud or benefit only Democrats?)
- Bigoted incidents against Asian American health-care workers are on the rise. Asian Americans represent 6 percent of the U.S. population but 18 percent of the country’s physicians and 10 percent of its nurse practitioners. Some covid-19 patients refuse to be treated by them, and they are facing attacks in their personal lives outside the hospital, too. As the outbreak continues and stay-at-home orders are lifted, the FBI is warning that there could be a surge in hate crimes.
- The CDC finally released its full, 60-page guidance on how to safely reopen. It appeared on the center's website over the weekend with little fanfare, after delay and debate at the White House over whether the guidelines were too restrictive. The document is a late road map for reopening schools, child-care facilities, restaurants and mass transit, weeks after COVID-weary states began opening on their own terms.
- The dishes will never be done. Ever. It's the least of our problems, and yet a constant reminder that even on the undramatic edges of a crisis, we do not have our act together. Don't worry, though — you're not alone. Apparently we're all eating cereal from a beer stein with a butter knife.
Other important news
- Thousands from coronavirus hot spots flocked to Maryland and Virginia as parts of the states reopened.
- Trump expresses opposition to extending unemployment benefits enacted in response to the pandemic.
- Fact Checker: Examining 9 key claims in Trump's letter blasting the World Health Organization.
- Health and Human Services watchdog who exposed hospital shortages will testify before a House panel next week.
- The pandemic may forever change the world’s cities.
- The mask shortage for most health-care workers extended into May, a Washington Post-Ipsos poll shows.
Recurring Resources:
- OneUnitedLancaster.com
- United Way of Lancaster County has launched a new website, OneUnitedLancaster.com. This digital source of information for our community works in tandem with United Way's 2-1-1 resources to connect people and resources during this time of upheaval.
- The Asset Map is a county-wide resource for all to utilize. If you need to add/update/delete information please follow the link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UWMAP20
- Lancaster Chamber:
- Website updated daily: https://www.lancasterchamber.com/Apps/Pages/coronavirusnews
- Past webinars are listed on the Chamber’s site listed above!
- Webinars:
- THIS WEEK Starts May 21 - Work Wisdom Series: Communication, Collaboration, Work-Life Integration
Running for a three series program, invest in your employees and yourself by learning how to authentically community, collaborate and work on the work-life integration. Click the links to learn more about each session. Choose all three, or just one! - Wednesday, May 27 - PPP Loans: Review Loan Forgiveness Application and Process
Walz Group CPA Principal Daniel T. Massey, CPA and Manager Benjamin J. Ritenour, CPA will be leading a discussion on the loan forgiveness application and related instructions that were released on Friday, May 15 by the US Treasury and SBA. This webinar will provide you with their take on the information provided including what questions have been answered and what issues remain unresolved. Please join us for this important PPP loan program update.
- THIS WEEK Starts May 21 - Work Wisdom Series: Communication, Collaboration, Work-Life Integration
- Local Govt.:
- Mayor Danene Sorace is hosting daily briefings on Facebook every night at 5pm
- The County has a COVID site to keep up to date with their response: https://co.lancaster.pa.us/1296/Coronavirus-Disease-COVID-19
- Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health:
- Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health COVID-19 Data: online dashboard with COVID-19 testing and patient data. The site is accessible from the LGHealth.org homepage (click “data” in the top red banner), or at the link below. Data is updated each morning.
- WellSpan Health System:
- Meals: Hunger Free Lancaster
- Hunger Free Lancaster County: https://hungerfreelancaster.org/resources/important-resources-during-covid-19/
- Childcare:
- Resource to find childcare providers with waivers: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/providers/Providers/Pages/Coronavirus-Child-Care.aspx
PAVOAD Updates:
- Gov. Wolf, Treasurer Torsella announce property tax/rent rebates arriving early to help seniors, others during COVID-19 pandemic
Starting today, many older homeowners, renters and people with disabilities will receive early rebates, through the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program. Rebates are typically issued starting July 1. Rebates will be processed and distributed on a first-in-first-out basis. The deadline to submit applications was extended from June 30 to Dec. 31, 2020. Access the Property Tax/Rent Rebate claim form (PA-1000) and related information on the Department of Revenue’s website.
Read full article here. - Interim guidance on unsheltered homelessness and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for homeless service providers and local officials
For information regarding homelessness, read this CDC guide, which is intended to support response to COVID-19 by local and state health departments, homelessness service systems, housing authorities, emergency planners, healthcare facilities, and homeless outreach services.