United Way of Lancaster County has launched a new Community Investment Grant opportunity for nonprofits entitled "Level Up and Launch."
This program seeks partners to scale existing excellence and launch innovative solutions, with $500,000 committed from United Way.
Applications are open through April 3 to any eligible 501(c)3 organization providing services to Lancaster County community members.
Launch event
Learn more about the Level Up & Launch grants, as well as the Women United grant opportunities surrounding economic mobility, at a drop-in reception from 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, March 10, at Tellus360, 24 E. King St., Lancaster.
There will be a presentation from 2 to 3 p.m. featuring grant explanations and reflections from United Way of Lancaster County leadership and board members, as well as from the Women United affinity group.
To enable social distancing, attendance is limited. To register, click here.
The funding structure provides $200,000 in initial grant funding to selected applicants, in amounts of $15,000 to $50,000. Those applicants may then use those dollars to level up existing programs or launch new programs immediately.
Simultaneously, they can leverage those dollars for other grants or for fundraising that will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to their initial grant amount through Oct. 31 (a further $200,000 from United Way). There is also $100,000 set aside for backbone support at the grant committee’s discretion. These dollars can help with capacity building for a total United Way commitment of $500,000.
Funding can be used for daily operations or initiatives dedicated to health, economic mobility and education with priority given to innovation, scalability, and sustainable potential.
For example, if an organization is awarded $50,000 via the Level Up & Launch grants, they then may choose to raise up to $50,000 on their own. As they fundraise, United Way will continue to match each dollar raised up to $50,000. Because of this system, the grantee organization will then have up to $150,000 to grow their program beyond the initial $50,000.
United Way is committed to providing $200,000 of original grants, plus up to $200,000 of match grants. There is also $100,000 allocated toward helping grantees access capacity building and equity trainings, backbone technology support and more.
With up to $200,000 possible in fundraising matches from grantees, up to $700,000 will be available to impact the community.
There will be a celebration of the grantees and their work in the spring, with a community fundraising launch (date TBD).
For more information, visit United Way of Lancaster County's grant opportunities page. Questions may be emailed to moses@uwlanc.org.