LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians have a couple more weeks to fill out a survey designed to help policymakers better understand their community's health issues and barriers to care.
The biannual Pennsylvania LGBTQ Health Needs Assessment is a statewide project funded by the state Department of Health.
"The results are used by community-based organizations, policy-makers, healthcare providers, and state agencies to inform community needs, develop resources, and support policy," said Christina Graham, data and evaluation manager at the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in the Lehigh Valley.
The 2022 assessment is available online in English and in Spanish and takes less than 25 minutes to complete. It was posted in mid-January and will remain available through mid-March. Respondents must be age 13 or older.
Responses are kept confidential and no individual identifying information is solicited or tracked. More information on privacy and other aspects of the survey is available in this FAQ.