• Project for new Lancaster prison needs $10 million for consultants: Lancaster County commissioners will vote Wednesday on whether to approve $10 million in additional funding for continued planning of the new county prison. The planning has gone into its third year. Commissioner Josh Parsons is in favor. Commissioner Alice Yoder expressed concerns about the already-large price tag of the prison. (Source: LNP)
• Mountville resident gets attention at Gov. Shapiro budget address: Tuesday, at the Governor Josh Shapiro’s address to the State House, Alexandra Lon’s achievements were highlighted. Lon has risen from homelessness thanks to receiving free literacy classes which allowed her to get her GED. Gov. Shapiro hopes to create more stories like Lon’s by including $6 million in the state budget for adult literacy courses. (Source: LNP)
• LNP and WITF workers form union: Journalists at public radio station WITF and Lancaster newspaper LNP, both owned by Pennon, have voted to unionize. The vote was 39 in favor and 10 against. Pennon laid off about 10 percent of staff in October 2024. Newspaper unions across the industry have been have raised concerns about stagnating pay and increasing workloads due to shrinking staff. (Source: ABC 27)
• House Energy Committee evaluates nationwide solar for all initiative: The newly formed House Energy Committee held a public hearing, on Tuesday for House Bill 362. Pennsylvania has federal funds for solar installation program, but lawmakers have to pass a bill for it to be used. (Source: ABC 27)
• Nation/world: Palestine and Arab states dismiss Trump’s Gaza control plan (Source: BBC News) Design unveiled for new Baltimore bridge after collapse (Source: NBC News) Protests against Trump planned in cities across the US ( Source: AP News) Hakeem Jeffries message to GOP (Source: MSNBC)