Lancaster County planning officials are inviting members of the public to offer their views on local transportation.
This week, the Lancaster County Metropolitan Planning Organization, or MPO, released an online survey. Its results will help to set priorities for Connects 2050, the MPO’s countywide transportation plan.
To receive federal transportation funds, the MPO must update the plan every four years; Connect 2050’s predecessor, Connects 2040, was adopted in 2020.
Transporation plans are comprehensive documents, covering all modes of getting around, from walking to air travel, and including the movement of goods as well as people.
According to Connect 2040, Lancaster County has just over 3,900 miles of roads, the second-largest total in Pennsylvania. One quarter is owned by PennDOT, the rest by local governments.
The online survey debuted on Monday and will remain available through March 9. It leads participants through a sequence of ranking transportation priorities, then strategies, then funding allocations.
Alternatively, comments on county transportation and the update can be sent to Will Clark, the Planning Department’s director of Land Use & Transportation Planning, via email at or by mail at:
Will Clark
Lancaster County Planning Department
150 N. Queen St., Suite 320
Lancaster, PA 17603
The Lancaster County Planning Department is leading the development of Connect 2050 in coordination with state and federal officials and with the assistance of the consulting firm Michael Baker International.
In 2019, participants in a survey for Connects 2040 prioritized “Fixing What We Have,” “Traffic Management” and “Improving Safety for All Users,” allocating roughly $55 of a hypothetical $100 budget to those three choices out of eight possibilities.