Pennsylvania's state-run health insurance exchange is gearing up to enroll individuals who indicated on their state tax returns that they lack coverage.
The "Path to Pennie" initiative aims to enroll individuals who may not have realized they qualify for insurance through Pennie. The marketplace, Pennsylvania's counterpart to the national website, allows people without Medicare or employer-provided health insurance to shop for plans. Most customers receive significant subsidies to keep their premiums low.
The state has been encouraging Pennsylvanians without health insurance to provide contact information to Pennie on the state tax form REV-1882. Beginning this month, those who did so will receive official notices from Pennie with information and access codes. They then have a special enrollment period of 60 days to claim their accounts and obtain coverage.
Some online tax software, including H&R Block and TurboTax, does not provide form REV-1882. In that case, taxpayers who want to enroll in Pennie can call its customer service line at (844) 844-8040 and attest that the form wasn't available.