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United Way of Lancaster County


Pa. offers grants for recovery house renovations

Pennsylvania is making grants available to organizations seeking to renovate properties used as licensed substance abuse recovery houses.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s departments of Drug & Alcohol Programs and Community & Economic Development launched a $1 million grant program to help recovery houses secure licenses by assisting with renovations. The program covered upgrades needed to comply “with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances,” including the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Enough money remains for roughly five more grants of up to $50,000, the agencies the said in a joint announcement Monday. They said they intend it to go toward existing recovery houses.

The money comes from the federal government and was awarded to Pennsylvania under the SUPPORT for Patients & Communities Act, signed into law in 2018 to combat the opioid crisis.

Information and application materials are available on the DDAP website. Completed applications should be submitted to They will be accepted until funding is exhausted, DDAP said.

Five providers manage a total of 30 licensed recovery houses in Lancaster County, according to DDAP’s directory. The providers are Blueprints for Addiction Recovery (7 houses); GateHouse (8); The Nicholas House Sober Living (10); R3 House (4); and Rase Project (1).

Statewide, there are more than 300 licensed recovery houses. DDAP began enforcing licensing in June 2022.