An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


Open house planned on countywide traffic safety

The organization that coordinates transportation planning in Lancaster County is inviting the public to an open house on traffic safety.

It will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center, 101 Champ Blvd., in East Hempfield Township. Light refreshments will be available.

Following a presentation at 6:20 p.m., attendees will have the chance to offer their thoughts on traffic safety enhancements they’d like to see and which locations in the county they believe are high risk and in need of improvement.

The event is hosted by the Lancaster County Metropolitan Planning Organization, or MPO. Public input gathered during the meeting will be incorporated into a Traffic Safety Action Plan that the MPO is developing.

It will build on the work of Lancaster city’s Vision Zero plan, aiming to reduce serious injuries and fatalities in crashes.

Besides attending the open house, members of the public can offer their thoughts via a brief survey or by posting comments on an online map.

The MPO anticipates releasing a draft strategy next spring, developing the plan over the summer and adopting in the fall, about a year from now.