The final report of the Home Rule Study Commission includes the latest accounting of the expenses incurred in preparing the charter that Lancaster city voters will consider on Nov. 5.
A table on Page 13 shows disbursements of $100,629 through Aug. 15. Another $32,424 in outlays is expected, for a total of $133,053.
The report also tabulates in-kind services valued at $86,000 that have been provided by City Hall staff, including the city clerk, solicitor, communications staff and the Department of Neighborhood Engagement. The figure includes $6,000 in printing and copying.
To pay for the commission, the city secured a Strategic Management Planning grant from the state Department of Community & Economic Development.
The DCED grant requires a 50% match. The city is allowed to put the value of its in-kind services toward the match. Any financial outlay needed to meet the 50% threshold will come from the Professional Services line item in the Administrative Services Department’s general fund budget, the department’s director, Tina Campbell, said.