The Department of State reminded Pennsylvanians on Monday that they have one week left to register to vote in time for the Nov. 2 election.
The registration deadline is next Monday, Oct. 18. Residents can register to vote, check their status and find their polling place online at vote.pa.gov.
Voters in the coming election will cast ballots for judges at all levels of the court system, as well as local government and school board officials.
In Lancaster County, voters can view sample ballots by clicking here and selecting their school district. The county also provides full listings of state judicial candidates and candidates in local races.
Pennsylvania voters can vote in one of three ways: In person on Election Day; by mail; or "in person by mail ballot."
Under the third option, voters can visit their county election office for a ballot and have their eligibility checked while they wait. They can then receive a ballot, fill it out and hand it back in, all during the same visit.
The deadline to do so is Tuesday, Oct. 26, one week before Election Day. The same day, Oct. 26, is the deadline to apply for a mail ballot.
Completed mail ballots can be returned by hand or mailed. No matter how they are sent, they must arrive at county election offices by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 2. (Just being postmarked ahead of the deadline does not count.)
For more information visit vote.pa.gov or call 1-877-868-3772.