• PennDOT faces winter driver shortage: The lack of seasonal workers may lead to delays in plowing secondary routes, officials said. (Source: WGAL)
• Local child abuse, neglect reports fall, substantiations rise: There were 28% fewer abuse and neglect filings in 2020, but the rate of those substantiated rose from 9.2% to 14.1%. (Source: LNP)
• Kellogg's workers reject contract: The vote means that employees in Lancaster County and elsewhere will remain on strike. (Source: WITF | AP)
• CHI St. Joseph proposes school at former monastery: Tuition at the former Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1834 Lititz Pike, would be set at 10% of household income. (Source: LNP)
• Rental assistance dries up in some counties: Advocates say the decision to allocate funds by county population rather than rental households has led to fund surpluses in rural counties and shortages in urban ones. (Source: Spotlight PA)
• National/world roundup: Pfizer says booster shots defend against omicron variant. (Source: CNN) A dozen cities break homicide records. (Source: ABC News) House passes $770 billion defense bill. (Source: UPI) Germany swears in Merkel successor Olaf Scholtz. (Source: NBC News)