An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


News: Tuesday, Dec. 1

An aerial view of Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, pre-hurricane. (Source: The Arecibo Observatory)

An aerial view of Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, pre-hurricane. (Source: The Arecibo Observatory)
An aerial view of Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, pre-hurricane. (Source: The Arecibo Observatory)


State rental relief program ends with millions of assistance dollars unspent: As much as $150 million was unspent by Pennsylvania, with $400,000 from Lancaster County alone being returned to the state. In all, $1.6 million has gone to 530 Lancaster County households since July. (Source: LNP)

Lancaster County school districts sign state compliance forms to remain in-person: Donegal and Hempfield school districts, in order to maintain "local control" and in-person schooling, signed the form attesting that their schools are following Covid-19 safety protocols. (Source: WGAL)

26 of Lancaster County's municipalities had Covid-19 deaths in November: Leading the list is Denver Borough with 11 deaths, with a total of 12 since the beginning of the pandemic. Lancaster city had two in November, out of a total of 135. (Source: LNP)

National roundup: California to receive 327,000 Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer in mid-December. (Source: UPI) U.S. pins hope on vaccine after 4.2 million Covid-19 cases in November. (Source: Reuters) Wisconsin, Arizona certify Biden wins in presidential vote. (Source: AP) How to help those in need this Giving Tuesday. (Source: USA Today) Iconic dome at Arecibo Observatory collapses. (Source: UPI)