• Congressional, state redistricting reach Pa. Supreme Court: Arguments begin today in the court's Congressional redistricting case. (Source: Capital-Star) Meanwhile, state Republicans are asking the court to throw out the Legislative Reapportionment Commission's state House and Senate maps. (Source: Capital-Star)
• Defense completes testimony in school funding trial: One witness for the defense withdrew following accusations of plagiarism. Plaintiffs will have the opportunity to call rebuttal witnesses next week. (Source: WHYY)
• Workforce Development Board hires interim director: John Moser will be paid $100 an hour for up to three days a week. He is a short-term replacement for Cathy Rychalsky, who says the board forced out of the job. (Source: LNP)
• High winds down power lines: About 1,200 Lancaster County customers were without electricity Friday morning, PPL said. (Source: WGAL)
• State employee vaccine incentive debated in budget hearings: In response to legislators' questions, a Wolf administration said the cost of time off or a lump-sum equivalent for employees who got vaccinated has been an estimated $45 million. (Source: ABC 27)
• National/world roundup: Russia announces nuclear drills as Ukraine standoff continues. (Source: USA Today) N.Y. Supreme Court says Trumps must testify under oath. (Source: NPR) Canadian police begin arresting protesters in truck blockade. (Source: AP) IOC president calls treatment of skater Valieva "chilling." (Source: BBC)