• Pop-up vaccination clinics vaccinate almost 2,000 people over the weekend: Both locations targeted hard-to-reach populations, with NAACP Lancaster hosting an event Friday at Bright Side Opportunity Center that saw 400 people (Source: ABC 27) and the South Asian Association of Lancaster organizing a clinic at the Wyndham that saw 1,500 people on Saturday. (Source: CBS 21)
• Lancaster schools closed Monday because of Covid-19 outbreak, vaccination effects: The School District of Lancaster announced that because many educators were calling in sick due to Covid-19 vaccination side effects, grades 6-12 will have a "flexible" day. (Source: ABC 27) Penn Manor High School will remain virtual for Tuesday as well after a Covid-19 outbreak was reported over the weekend. (Source: LNP)
• Pa. Capitol complex reopens with new restrictions: As the complex reopens for the second time during the pandemic, new restrictions include limited entrance points and specific groups of people allowed in, among other rules. (Source: WGAL)
• Pa. Medicaid enrollment spike shows devastation caused by Covid-19: Enrollment rose 13.7% from February 2020 to February 2021, a larger single-year increase than during the Great Recession. (Source: Spotlight PA)
• Report: Most households in Lancaster County's Plain community have been hit by Covid-19: After reopening churches during the past year, Amish and Mennonite communities have had nearly 90% of households affected, the administrator of a local clinic estimates. (Source: LNP)
• National roundup: AstraZeneca seeks FDA approval for Covid-19 vaccine after 79% effectiveness in trial. (Source: AP) U.S. airlines see over 1.5 million passengers for first time in a year. (Source: Reuters) House panel to look into push for Washington D.C. statehood. (Source: UPI) U.S. Rep. Tom Reed apologizes, retires amid misconduct allegations. (Source: AP)