An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


News: Monday, July 6

Officials say fireworks started this fire at 250 New Dorwart St., Lancaster, on Saturday, July 4, 2020. (Source: City of Lancaster)

Officials say fireworks started this fire at 250 New Dorwart St., Lancaster, on Saturday, July 4, 2020. (Source: City of Lancaster)
Officials say fireworks started this fire at 250 New Dorwart St., Lancaster, on Saturday, July 4, 2020. (Source: City of Lancaster)

Headlines for Monday, July 6, 2020:

Fireworks start fires in Lancaster, York: They caused $100,000 in damage to several Lancaster garages and ignited a house fire in York that diplaced 10 people, officials said. (Source: ABC 27)

Have protesters' demands been heeded?: LNP reviews Lancaster city policy on police transparency, body cameras and funding. (Source: LNP)

Armed militia groups drawn to Gettysburg by apparent hoax: Social media messages had suggested Antifa protesters planned to burn the U.S. flag. (Source: ABC 27)

Covid-19 impacts fundraising for volunteer fire departments: In response, they are trying new strategies. (Source: CBS 21)

National roundup: Frederick Douglass statue vandalized in Rochester, N.Y. (Source: ABC News) More Covid-19 cases expected to lead to more deaths. (Source: Washington Post) The South's political makeup is changing. (Source: AP) Composer Ennio Morricone dies at 91. (Source: Reuters)