An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


News: Friday, Sept. 25

The Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank is in emergency need of blood donations (Source: Central Pa. Blood Bank)

The Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank is in emergency need of blood donations (Source: Central Pa. Blood Bank)
The Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank is in emergency need of blood donations (Source: Central Pa. Blood Bank)


Federal judge orders extra month extension for census: U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh of California issued the ruling on Thursday, saying a shortened schedule could produce inaccurate results. (Source: LNP) An appeal is expected. (Source: NPR)

Central PA Blood Bank in critical need of donations: Current blood stores are at half capacity, but the need for blood remains high at the 26 hospitals served.(Source: PennLive)

New 'naked ballot' rule endangers PA votes: Mail-in ballots that are not sent inside a second "secrecy envelope" will not be counted, according to the Pa. Supreme Court (Source: ABC 27)

Mike Pence to attend Lititz debate watch party: The Vice President will be viewing the first presidential debate on Tuesday at Meadow Springs Farm. (Source: LNP)

National roundup: U.S. records over 7 million Covid-19 cases following Midwest spike, 20% of global total. (Source: Reuters) Two vehicles strike protesters at Breonna Taylor protests in LA. (Source: ABC News) Yale study finds 'sewer sludge' predicts Covid-19 outbreaks days faster than contact tracing. (Source: NBC News)