• LG Health CEO calls out Lancaster County's lack of a health department: "There is no question that in our community a formalized community response is difficult without a public health department," Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health's leader Jan Bergen said Thursday during the health system's board meeting. (Source: LNP)
• Nursing homes struggle amid Covid-19 surge: At Landis Homes, 24 employees were sidelined due to Covid-19 infections or exposures. (Source: ABC 27)
• Pa. to plug budget holes with federal Covid-19 funds: About $1 billion from the CARES Act will cover costs for law enforcement, prisons and health. (Source: Capital-Star)
• Pa. House Republicans pass election audit resolution: It directs the Legislative Budget & Finance Committee to evaluate mail-in voting, ballot 'curing' and other aspects of the Nov. 3 election. (Source: CBS 21)
• National roundup: Pfizer applies for emergency use authorization for Covid-19 vaccine. (Source: AP) President Trump persists in effort to thwart election. (Source: Washington Post) Landlords skirt eviction moratorium with tricks, intimidation. (Source: USA Today) President-elect Biden turns 78. (Source: NBC)