• Pa. Republicans ask U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the state's election results: State leaders, including Rep. Mike Kelly from the 16th congressional district, claim Pennsylvania's mail-in ballot law is unconstitutional. Pennsylvania's Supreme Court dismissed the case Saturday. (Source: WGAL)
• 18 dead, at least 50 infected in Lancaster nursing home Covid-19 outbreak: After reporting zero cases up until mid-November, The Gardens at Stevens reported 11 positive cases on Nov. 17, with 12 deaths by Dec. 1. (Source: LNP) Due to cases such as this, State Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine is being asked to follow the new CDC recommendation of allocating the first Covid-19 vaccines to long-term care facilities in addition to healthcare workers. (Source: ABC 27)
• All Pa. schools who needed to fill out attestation forms have complied: Every school in the 63 counties that have been in the "substantial spread" category for more than two weeks have signed the forms attesting that they will follow CDC guidelines if they continue in-person education. (Source: CBS 21)
• Alternate Lancaster County Covid-19 vaccination sites announced: McCaskey East High School and Quarryville's Solanco fairgrounds have been designated as possible sites to receive the eventual Covid-19 vaccine, but will only be opened if hospitals and pharmacies are overwhelmed with demand. (Source: LNP)
• National roundup: Data shows that Americans couldn't resist traveling for Thanksgiving. (Source: AP) Dr. Fauci asked to stay on and join Biden's Covid-19 team. (Source: Reuters) Biden says he will call for 100 days of mask wearing. (Source: AP) Time Magazine names teen scientist Gitanjali Rao as first-ever 'Kid of the Year'. (Source: UPI)