(Editor's Note: The following information is from the City of Lancaster.)
City of Lancaster water customers are being asked to voluntarily curtail water usage beginning at 10 p.m. on Friday, May 14, while the Bureau of Water repairs a leak in East Hempfield Township. During this repair, only one water plant will be operating, as the other plant and storage reservoir will be temporarily out of service.
Repairs are expected to take about 8 hours overnight to perform, and will continue until approximately 6 a.m. on Saturday, May 15.
Customers will not be without water at this time, but water pressure will be lower than normal, especially on the west side of the system which includes areas in Manor, East Hempfield, Lancaster and Pequea Townships, and Millersville Borough. Please schedule activities like showering, dishwashing and laundry before 10 p.m. on Friday or after 6 a.m. on Saturday.
If repairs take longer than anticipated, the Bureau of Water will update customers using the Everbridge alert system. Customers with unlisted phone numbers, or those whose primary phone number is a cell phone or VoIP should create an account to receive these updates. Visit www.cityoflancasterpa.com/everbridge to create or update your Everbridge account.
While customers may experience lower water pressure and unpleasant tastes, odors, or colors overnight and into Saturday morning, water will remain safe to use. However, customers should limit water usage during this time to ensure essential businesses and institutions, such as medical facilities, remain operational.
Customers who experience discoloration should refrain from using hot water or doing laundry until the water is clear to prevent sediment from entering their hot water system. If water does not clear after the repairs are complete, customers should run a cold water tap for 15-20 minutes to clear internal plumbing and service lines.
Customer questions should be directed to the Water Lab at (717) 291-4818, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. After-hours questions should be directed to (717) 291-4816 or (717) 684-5056.
The City of Lancaster sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks customers for their cooperation