An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


It’s official: Lancaster vaccine site to close June 30

The banner on the south facade of the Vaccinate Lancaster community vaccination center at Park City Mall. (Photo: Tim Stuhldreher)

The banner on the south facade of the Vaccinate Lancaster community vaccination center at Park City Mall. (Photo: Tim Stuhldreher)
The banner on the south facade of the Vaccinate Lancaster community vaccination center at Park City Mall. (Photo: Tim Stuhldreher)

The mass vaccination center at Park City mall will close permanently on Wednesday, June 30, as planned, the Vaccinate Lancaster Coalition confirmed Tuesday.

That means that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine who get their first shots on or after this coming Thursday will need to get their second doses elsewhere.

They will be able to do so through any of the four health care systems in the coalition: Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, Penn State Health, UPMC or WellSpan Health.

Patients can also choose to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is a single shot.

The center has been operating since March 10, and on Monday administered its 225,000th dose.

It has a capacity of up to 6,000 shots per day. However, demand has stalled: Last week, the county's providers collectively administered fewer than 3,000 first doses, according to state data.

The center currently operates from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Patients can schedule an appointment online or by phone at 717-588-1020, or walk in.

2nd dose appointments

Patients receiving a first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the Park City vaccination site on or after June 10 can schedule a second dose with any of the Vaccinate Lancaster Coalition health systems:

  • Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health: Visit or call 717-588-1165.
  • Penn State Health: Visit or call 844-774-8883.
  • UPMC: Visit or call 844-UPMCVAC (844-876-2822). To schedule in Spanish, call 833-660-2416 and press 1.
  • WellSpan Health: Call 855-851-3641. (Note: WellSpan is offering walk-in Pfizer vaccination at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital from noon to 3 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.)