The state Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs announced Monday that it has opened its new licensure program for drug & alcohol recovery houses.
Licensing facilities will support addiction recovery "by ensuring a network of safe drug and alcohol recovery houses across the commonwealth," the department said in a statement.
“Without recovery housing standards or protections, there are unknown numbers of substandard facilities who may be exploiting this vulnerable population," DDAP Secretary Jen Smith said.
Act 59 of 2017 authorized the department to develop and administer a licensing program. The Independent Regulatory Review Commission approved the proposed regulations in October. On Saturday, they were published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, allowing program to begin.
Full details are available on the Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs website. The department will begin enforcing licensing on June 9, 2022.
Lancaster County has 32 registered drug & alcohol recovery houses, according to the department's database.