An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program

Lancaster County Office on Aging is accepting applications for the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP). SFMNP provides low income seniors with fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs from approved farmers in Pennsylvania.

To be eligible for SFMNP, seniors must be 60 or older by December 31st of the program year and meet the income eligibility guidelines. Income eligibility is based on 185% of the federal poverty income guidelines. The guidelines are published each year by the United States Department of Agriculture. Income includes interest, social security, wages, etc.

The completed application should be mailed to:

Lancaster County City Government Center

150 North Queen St., Suite 415

Lancaster, PA 17603

How does SFMNP work? Recipients are given a list of participating farmers and farmers' markets when they receive their vouchers. These vouchers are redeemed for fresh fruits and vegetables grown in Pennsylvania. Each eligible recipient receives four - $6.00 SFMNP vouchers to redeem at a qualified farmers' markets or roadside stands. There are more than 1,160 FMNP participating farmers at 828 farm stands and 88 farmers' markets in PA. Please note, Office of Aging and Senior Centers ARE NOT handing out vouchers in person this year. Vouchers will be distributed by mail this year so risk is minimized to staff and program participants.