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United Way of Lancaster County


Gov. Wolf outlines plan for reopening Pa.


Gov. Tom Wolf went on television Friday to lay out a plan for reopening Pennsylvania after the shutdown he ordered due to coronavirus.

As outlined in Wolf's speech and on the governor's website, the plan incorporates six key standards:

  • Our approach will be data driven and reliant upon quantifiable criteria to drive a targeted, evidence-based, regional approach to reopenings in Pennsylvania.
  • We will put forth guidance and recommendations for employers, individuals, and health care facilities for assured accountability as we reopen.
  • Reopening necessitates that adequate personal protective equipment and diagnostic testing are available.
  • Reopening requires a monitoring and surveillance program that allows the commonwealth to be deploy swift actions for containment or mitigation.
    Protections for vulnerable populations must remain steadfast throughout the reopening process, such as limitations on visitors to congregate care facilities and prisons.
  • Limitations on large gatherings unrelated to occupations should remain in place for the duration of the reopening process.

The governor stopped short of setting a specific target date or timetable.

Watch Gov. Wolf's broadcast: