Lancaster County Infant and Toddler Early Intervention Program provides services and supports to children birth to three at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. Early Intervention helps to promote the best possible developmental outcomes, and, at the same time, enhance the capacity of families to meet their child’s needs.
Anyone can make a referral to Early Intervention including hospitals, physicians, parents, family members, childcare providers, local education agencies, public health facilities, and other social service providers. Early Intervention referrals for Lancaster County residents can be made to the CONNECT helpline 1-800-692-7288 or to the direct Lancaster EI phone number (717) 399-7323 or by sending a fax to (717) 399-7396. EI services and evaluations are provided at no cost to families.
Lancaster County Early Intervention is currently providing tele-evaluations to assess a child’s development through video conferencing or phone conferencing. If a child is found eligible for Early Intervention services, they and their family can receive services through video conferencing or phone conferencing. Which means that parents and caregivers can talk to their Early Intervention provider through video (FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, etc) or even just over a phone call. Tele-sessions can occur at various frequencies to include weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending upon the needs of the family.
Early Intervention continues to provide the same developmental and support services as before COVID-19, including Support Coordination, Social Work, Speech Therapy, Special Instruction, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. Early Intervention Support Coordinators have resources and information available to share with families specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Early Intervention can share resources including learning activities for children, financial supports such as food and diapers, and supports to encourage the adults in the home as they adjust to a “new normal”.