A grassroots environmental group on Lancaster’s west side is organizing a free community event on Saturday to promote watershed awareness.
“River Pathway Connections: The Art & Science of Curiosity” will take place from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at the corner of Buchanan and College avenues, between West Art and the North Museum of Nature & Science.
The centerpiece will be the painting of murals around the corner’s storm drains by Charlie Boyce and Krista Canoles, students at the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design.
Also on tap: A community cleanup of the block; a discussion of stormwater management and the local watershed; and an open mic with Sir Dominique Jordan. For a full schedule, click here.
The event is part of River Connections, a city government initiative to promote stewardship of the Conestoga River through art, music and other media. It is being organized by the College Park Climate Action Neighborhood, or “CAN,” which promotes environmental awareness and solutions in the neighborhood around Franklin & Marshall College and Buchanan Park.
It is being underwritten through $1,500 provided through Lancaster city’s “Love Your Block” program. Other participating organizations include the North Museum, West Art, Clean Water Partners, The Artivist Corp., F&M and Lancaster city.