An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


Back-to-School Event scheduled for Aug. 13 at Clipper Stadium

Visitors peruse children’s books at the Back-to-School Event at Clipper Magazine Stadium on Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022. (Photo: Julie Kennedy)

Organizers of state Rep. Mike Sturla’s annual Back to School Event are encouraging families to sign their children up, and they are also looking for volunteers to help out.

The 12th Annual Back to School Event will be held starting at 12 noon Sunday, Aug. 13, at Clipper Magazine Stadium, 580 N. Prince St., Lancaster.

It provides children in kindergarten through 8th grade free backpacks filled with uniforms, shoes and school supplies for the upcoming school year. More than 2,000 children are expected to take part, according to Sturla’s office.

Reflecting the new contours of Sturla’s legislative district, this year children in three school districts are eligible: School District of Lancaster, Manheim Township School District and Hempfield School District. Previously, only SDL students were eligible, as Sturla’s district sat entirely within SDL’s boundaries.

Participants are strongly urged to register in advance. To do so, click here. The deadline is Wednesday, Aug. 9.

On the day itself, families and children are asked to check in by 2:30 p.m. Festivities will continue until 4 p.m., with food, games, community activities and free haircuts among the planned offerings.

Families will be invited to wrap up their day with free admission to the Lancaster Barnstormers’ 5 p.m. game against the Frederick Ghost Hounds.


Hundreds of volunteers are needed to make the Back to School event possible. Volunteers are coordinated through a collaboration between Sturla’s district office and United Way of Lancaster County.

Volunteers are needed to prepare and organize supplies (Wednesday to Friday, July 19-21), to load supplies on trucks for transportation to the stadium (Friday, Aug. 11) and to help with the day’s events. For more information and to sign up, click here.


Donations of supplies are discouraged; the event can generally secure more material at lower cost through bulk ordering. Financial donations are welcome and are handled by the Lancaster Recreation Commission.

Make checks payable to “Lancaster Rec” and write “Sturla Back to School Event” on the memo line. Mail donations to:

Lancaster Recreation Commission
525 Fairview Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603