An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


Active Transportation Summit will invite participants to explore alternatives to car travel

An electric cyclist uses the westbound bicycle lane on Walnut Street in Lancaster on Sunday, May 21, 2023. (Photo: Max Weidman)

Lancaster’s Global Shapers hub is inviting community members to its Active Transportation Summit this weekend, part of its efforts during National Bike Month to promote cycling, walking and other alternatives to car-based travel.

The summit will run from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at West Art, 816 Buchanan Ave., Lancaster. Registration is $5 and includes lunch; for tickets, click here.

The event is conceived as an “incubator,” organizer Laura Pauls-Thomas said: Attendees are encouraged to bring their own ideas for active transportation to discuss and develop.

A project of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers movement brings young adults together to take an active role in solving community problems.

The Active Transportation Summit complements “Ride, Roll & Stroll,” a National Bike Month initiative that Global Shapers Lancaster developed last year. Participants record their car-free trips during the month of May using an app created by green transportation nonprofit Commute PA, earning points toward various prizes.

Prizes will be awarded at the Ride, Roll & Stroll “wrap-up party,” hosted Friday evening, May 31, at The Common Wheel, 324 N. Queen St.