Lancaster County businessman Jason Hurst, President of Integrous Fences and Decks, talks about opportunities for small businesses to provide leadership and growth activities to their employees during the coronavirus shutdown.
He talks about the importance of making the best of this situation and how he is encouraging his employees to learn and improve.
Jason says, "My entire outlook with this is to make this a step forward because we become more innovative, change unhealthy behaviors that come to the surface, and use this time to invest in areas of our lives and companies that we previously did not take the time to invest in. If we do those things, we will come out the other side of this better people, and a better company as a result of this obstacle."
Together-ing Podcast
Together-ing is a new podcast hosted by Elizabeth Mong from Lancaster, PA. Everybody has a story to tell. During this time of social isolation sharing those stories is an important part of staying connected. "We can get through this better, when we get through this together."
Visit for more stories from Elizabeth's friends in Lancaster and around the world.