An independent news publication of
United Way of Lancaster County


Hunger-Free Lancaster launches equity/diversity/inclusion team

Hunger Free Lancaster County

The county-wide coalition devoted to ending hunger in Lancaster County is elevating its attention to equity, diversity and inclusion.

The Hunger-Free Lancaster County coalition has created an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Team, which will advise the coalition’s governing bodies. The team consists of a group of about 20 Lancaster County residents representing diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences.

“The Hunger-Free Lancaster County coalition seeks to include the perspectives of as diverse a group as possible and to truly engage the community to identify needs and shape solutions to hunger,” board chairman Mike Brubaker said, adding that without this approach, it would be impossible to adequately serve communities that are disparately impacted.

Kevin Ressler, President and CEO of the United Way of Lancaster County, is leading the team.

“By bringing the perspective, lived experience and needs of the various and diverse communities in Lancaster County to the attention of the HFLC coalition, the EDI Action Team will help ensure a more equitable and inclusive charitable food network,” Ressler said.

Hunger-Free Lancaster County has as its goal to ensure sustainable access to three healthy meals a day for all Lancastrians. The group, made up of around 40 community leaders in the corporate, nonprofit, government, and faith-based sectors.